Published Articles

Published Articles+

Sharing my expertise…

How to Successfully Integrate SMART Learning Solutions in Your Classroom, by Cathy Grochowski 

(originally published March 2016 on the SMART Technologies website)
Think “Big Picture”…

When I think about integrating classroom technology, I look at the concept from a big picture perspective first. I believe technology use in the classroom should be based fully on well thought-out strategies and an underlying understanding of learning goals.

When I describe my big-picture thinking process, I ask myself basic questions like:

  • “What do I want students to learn today?” and
  • “How can I help students connect with essential concepts and ultimately retain key knowledge?”
  • I also consider higher-order thinking questions so that everyone is stretched (never be afraid to pull out your Art Costa’s questioning strategies or Depth of Knowledge cheat sheet, they’re essential!).

Once I’ve given these questions some thought, I think about how I might teach to visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles. Here’s where my SMART Board tool rocks!

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Successful Interactive Technology Integration, the SAMR Way, by Cathy Grochowski

(find Cathy’s article in the highly popular 2017 ebook published by SMART Technologies, The Real-World Guide to Implementing Classroom Technology)

SAMR is a useful framework you can reflect upon when you want to design and evaluate tasks that target higher order thinking skills and student engagement using tech tools. The SAMR concept was developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura. His tech integration framework helps thousands of savvy teachers to envision, develop and design motivating learning experiences so students can attain higher…

Click here to read more and get the Ebook

In this article about the importance of having SMART Certified Trainers at each school, Make the Grade Training Solutions is mentioned for their significant contribution to the Wisconsin Technology Initiative professional development program.

What is the Wisconsin Technology Initiative?

The Wisconsin Technology Initiative provides grants to K-12 schools and other educational facilities in Wisconsin to help advance their use of technology.  Through the increased availability of interactive whiteboards and more tech savvy teachers, schools in the state will now have the tools necessary to become engines of innovation that improve student engagement and academic achievement. The Wisconsin Technology Initiative helps reduce the financial and professional development barriers that educators face when attempting to integrate instructional technology into their classrooms…

…This past summer, SMART Training Centers, including Make the Grade Training Solutions, teamed up with the Wisconsin Technology Initiative for implementation training and certification of 73 SMART Certified Trainers.

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